Our Team

Tadewos Tranchie
General Manager
Educational Background: MA in Leadership and Management
Email: – ybcedo@ethionet.et /tadtiranchie@gmail.com
Mobile:- +251 911 424527
Telephone:- +251 115 52 28 31

Tagele Mathewos
Program Manager
Educational Background: – MA in social Anthropology
Email: – tagele251@gmail.com
Mobile: +251 911 700963

Gebeyanesh Fikadu
Finance Head
Educational Background: – BA in Accounting and Finance
Email: – fgebeya@gmail.com
Mobile: +251 923 39 5974

Bogale Bokola
Human Resource
Educational Background: BA in Management
Email: bogaleptc@gmail.com
Telephone: +251 911447452

Hailu Begashew
Program officer
Educational Background: MA in Leadership
Email: h.begashaw@yahoo.com
Telephone: +251 911 42 48 50

Demissie Getachew
Program Officer
Educational Background: BA in Development Studie
Email: demissie2013@gmail.com
Telephone: +251 911 81 6981